On Thu, Feb 18, 1999, Erik Funkenbusch put this into my mailbox:
> I'm seeing a problem with uptime in recent -currents which doesn't make any
> sense to me.

   I've had that with 3.0-STABLE, as well.  I'm not sure why, but it kept

uptime: /dev//chris: No such file or directory
 ... uptime output ...

   Obviously the same problem existed in w(1).  A reboot solved the problem.
I suppose I should look into this and produce a patch.

> odin# uptime
> uptime: /dev//umount: /proc: not currently mounted
> umount:: No such file or directory
> uptime: /dev// /var: not currently mounted
> umount: /usr: n: No such file or directory
>  3:24PM  up 1 day, 18:17, 3 users, load averages: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
> umount is available and it's in the path, and all the above directories
> exists (and /proc seems to be functioning)
> Any ideas?
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