> > On 02-Mar-99 SXren Schmidt wrote:
> > >  Its in the works, together with the tagged queuing some of the
> > >  newer drives supports.
> > Wow! :)
> > 
> > Is there any chance od adding the ability to 'wire' devices 
> a la SCSI? :)
> I'll think about it, but lots of things has higher priority...
> -Søren
I just repeated the Bonnie tests without X running, on a freshly booted
machine.  (WD is still with X and netscape.)  As I said, I am not running
any flags on WD, but asl Luigi pointed out, I could probably do with
some newer hard drives!


              -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input--
              -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block---
Machine    MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec
ATA+X+Nets 64  3237 69.0  2913 14.0  1409  9.4  2951 59.3  3043 11.6  55.9
WD+X+Netsc 64  2556 54.5  2902 13.3  1457  9.7  1987 40.3  3082 13.2  59.1
ATA-noX    64  3340 69.7  2984 11.9  1400  8.6  3135 62.4  3182  9.4 135.3
ATA-noX1  128  3221 68.5  2860 13.4  1169  7.6  2961 58.4  3038 12.2  54.2


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