At 07:22 PM 3/4/99 , Matthew Dillon wrote:
>    Well, 10 processes doing a find are not supposed to lockup a machine.
>    However, there is another potential problem with the script below ... if
>    the script is run as root, the find will cross mount points including
>    the /proc mount point.  Now running xargs and random process's memory
>    spaces *could* certainly lockup a machine.  /proc does has reentrancy
>    issue with multiple processes accessing it at the same time.
>    Try changing the 'find' to 'find -x'.  If this still locks up the machine
>    we will have to then determine whether it occurs under 4.x as well, or
>    if it only occurs under 3.x.

Interesting... I thought there was something else going on, because when I
walk back to the machine, the drive is not even spinning.  I will have to
wait until I go to the office to try it, as I need to physically reboot the
unit if it 'works'...  If it is the /proc issue, what would be the safest
way to proctect against it ?  Also, it does not take many iterations to
lock up the machine. Three will do it.  To limit that via login.access
would hose most users.

Mike Tancsa, Network Admin        *
Sentex Communications Corp,       *
Cambridge, Ontario                *  01.519.651.3400
Canada                            *

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