On 22-Mar-99 Richard Wackerbarth wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, John Baldwin wrote:
>> On 22-Mar-99 Richard Wackerbarth wrote:
>> > There is a problem with this approach.
>> > 
>> > /etc/defaults/rc.conf defines ${rc_conf_files}
>> > However, I have no chance to override it before it is used.
>> > 
>> > However, I fear that you need a bit more logic to allow the
>> > overriding of ${rc_conf_files}.
>> Where are going to override it?  If we use some other config file that gets
>> sucked in to /etc/defaults/rc.conf we'd have a config file included in
>> another config file that tells it what other config files to include.  If
>> this
>> keeps up we'll end up with a bunch of config files floating around that
>> config
>> other config files, which will end up messy and confusing for newbies, IMHO.
> Unless someone comes up with a scheme that tracks set membership and
> allows us to add to that set, I think that we should stick to the "simple"
> approach.
> /etc/defaults/rc.conf defines ${rc_conf_files} to be "/etc/rc.conf"
> /etc/rc.conf is allowed to override this definition to include additional
> files such as "/etc/rc.conf.local"

However, the original definition has already been used once the /etc/rc.conf
has been read.  Unless you are going to call the for loop twice, once after
/etc/defaults/rc.conf to include /etc/rc.conf and once after /etc/rc.conf to
include the extra stuff you define, your changes to ${rc_conf_files} in
/etc/rc.conf will never take effect.

> Those files get sucked in.
> - - -
> An alternate, and perhaps cleaner approach would be to always suck in
> /etc/defaults/rc.conf and /etc/rc.conf. Then suck in those files specified
> in ${additional_rc_conf_files}.

That would work, but then we have two includes everywhere that we have 1 now.


John Baldwin <jobal...@vt.edu> -- http://members.freedomnet.com/~jbaldwin/
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