> ls -ald /dev/kb*
>crw-------  1 root  wheel  112,   0 Mar 23 23:29 /dev/kbd0
>crw-------  1 root  wheel  112,   1 Mar 23 23:29 /dev/kbd1
>muadib#         kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd1
>    ukbd0, type:generic (3)
>kbdcontrol: unable to set keyboard: Inappropriate ioctl for device
>Any clues as to how to switch from standard keyboard device to the 
>usb keyboard?

You need to issue the kbdcontrol command from an vty.  If you are
running it from a serial or network terminal, redirect stdin as follows:

        kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd1 < /dev/ttyv0

Any vty should work.

Make also sure that "options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV" is in your kernel
configuration file.


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