At 09:37 AM 4/9/99 -0700, David O'Brien wrote:
The Only way I could get Jade to work with the new compiler
was with CFLAGS= -O -pipe

That is not so bad.  Before EGCS, we would state that "-O" is the only
optimization that is know to always work and what we tell people to use.

Mike Smith has written about this many times in Hackers and Current.
mysql322 from ports is another one, if you try and compile it with the stock -O -pipe it builds up till almost the end but when it gets to the machine just hangs there and finally dies (no input or output). I have to go into the debugger and reboot. But if you add -fno-exceptions it builds fine.It's taken a couple of days but I've weeded
out all of the programs that depended on old gcc libs and rebuilt them.
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