On Sat, 10 Apr 1999 adr...@freebsd.org wrote:

> >No.  The mp3s stored on the UFS partition are fine.  And it's not just
> >some of the MP3s on the fat partition, it's all of them, which is really
> >really weird.  I couldn't find xaudio, but amp belched a bit too.  All in
> >all it's really strange, I'm willing to accept random data corruption
> >(although, scandisk didn't find any problems with the partition)..
> >
> Ok, so if you copy them onto your UFS partition first, do they play ok?
> (Just to be clear here..)

No.  I'm thinking a big magnet walked up while I was sleeping or
something, b/c if I copy from UFS -> FAT it plays fine from FAT.

Well, I just tried playing an mp3 from the zip drive and here's the panic
I got (couldn't catch it from X):

panic: vm_page_bits: illegal base/size 4096/2048

Haven't run scandisk on the disk recently, but windows groks it fine....

- alex

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