At 09:24 4/9/99 +0100, Brian Somers wrote:
>Does anything different happen if you
>  set accmap 000a0000
>in your ppp.conf ?  If not, you're going to have to approach your ISP 
>and ask them why their ppp implementation is ignoring our requests 
>(which needless to say violates the rfc).

It would appear that a few more things are wrong, because the setting
doesn't help on my 4.0-CURRENT box, but downgrading to 3.1-RELEASE fixes
the problem. With this in mind, I copied and gzipped the 3.1-RELEASE ppp
binaries (known to work) to a safe place, upgraded to 4.0-CURRENT once
more, and attempted to use the 3.1-REL binaries with 4.0. The strange thing
is that it doesn't work. I'm retreating to the relative sanity of
3.1-STABLE, will let you know what happens. 


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