:>     corruption is occuring on the client.  But if the make procedure is not
:>     accessing (much of) the client's hard drive, where on the client could 
:>     the corruption be coming from?
:This has nothing to do with DOS. In case you didn't get my other hint:
:{"/home/green"}$ dd if=/dev/zero count=1 2>/dev/null | file -
:standard input:              MS Windows COFF Unknown CPU

    Ah.  In that case, next time it happens you need to make a copy of
    the broken file and a copy of the good file and save them, so we 
    can look at the hexdumps.

    If 'cp' does not copy the corrupted file, try using 'cat' to copy 
    it.  'cp' uses mmap.  'cat' does not.

    There are still a few minor issues when mmap()ing NFS files, but
    none that ought to effect the beginning of the file.  We'll have
    to figure out a way to reproduce the problem to really track it


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