Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> As a data point, CVSup runs nicely, but if I iconify it and deiconify it,
> it takes about forEVER (maybe 10, 15 seconds on a PPro 180) to redisplay
> itself completely.

Yes, that's when the problem is most obvious.

Here's the bottom line from my point of view.  CVSup is slow to update
the GUI because it is busy doing more important things, i.e., updating
your files as quickly as it can.  I agree that it can be annoying.
But would you really want me to slow down file updates just so the GUI
could look better?

  John Polstra                                     
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Self-interest is the aphrodisiac of belief."           -- James V. DeLong

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