> Which means that it perhaps should be worked out before being merged. Take
> for instance CAM.  It didn't work perfectly, but it sure got a lot more
> exposure than newbus, and when it was integrated it caused very few
> problems.

The two systems aren't equivalent so it's not really correct to make
comparisons like this.  In any case, -current has always been
designated for developers to work on issues precisely like this one
and it's simply not accurate to suggest that bleeding edge development
should not be done in the -current branch.  As I said before, it only
points out that many people are tracking the wrong branch. If you want
a smooth experience, track -stable and that's all I'm going to say on
the issue.

> Well, why not make ext2fs the default fs just to shake things up?  It's

If there were a truly practical reason to do so, you may rest assured
that we would. :)

- Jordan

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