> One problem on the decision is that it was not based
> on a judge that new-bus is technically or philosophically
> superior to newconfig framework but you stated

I don't think they're so far apart that there's a "clear" superiority,
and we certainly didn't get that impression from any of the
discussions we saw between you guys and the new-bus folks.  All I saw
were some strong differences of opinion being expressed and a good
chance that "superiority" would never be objectively determined by any
of the parties involved.

> Nakagawa would not be so upset if you could convince him
> that new-bus were superior.

Again, this appeared to be a matter of fierce argument more than
anything else and I'd probably be just as inclined to try and get a
Mercedes owner to agree that BMW made a "superior" car when, in fact,
both vehicles provide a more than adequate ride and have a number of
nice features.

Given that neither system is exactly standing still, it also meant
that relative superiority was a constantly changing factor and even
though it might have been possible to say that newconfig was superior
on one month, it would be by no means assured that this would remain a
constant.  What it ultimately came down to, as I said before, was
choosing the group we had the best communication with and had some
existing precedent, in new-bus's case that being FreeBSD/alpha.  We
learned a lot of painful lessons from the PAO project given the
difficulties we've had with integrating that technology on an ongoing
basis, and those are lessons we had no wish to learn again.  Judging
superiority is only partially a technical issue, and there are many
other factors of equal importance when you start discussing projects
of long-term significance to FreeBSD.

- Jordan

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