what is this shit?  damn, i need to tell my uncle, he used to be an
assemblies of god preacher, and he has enough choice words on those
racists to fill a book...

this shit doesn't belong here.

In reply:
> CALL TODAY TO ORDER THIS BOOK - (800) 305-1458 [24hrs.]
> --------------------------------------------------
> "What nobody had the nerve to tell you until now."
> "Real evidence of what you only suspected."
> "The Black Church as you've never known it before."
> Pulpit Confessions:
> Exposing The Black Church
> by
> N. Moore
> $16.00
> ISBN: 0-9658299-2-8
> _____________________________
> Pulpit Confessions: Exposing The Black Church is an honest,
> behind the scenes look at the African-American church. The
> author spent a decade as a preacher and pastor in the black
> church and is actually betraying an unofficial code of
> silence by writing this book.
[rest of racist drivel deleted]

All opinions expressed are mine, if you    |  "I will not be pushed, stamped,
think otherwise, then go jump into turbid  |  briefed, debriefed, indexed, or
radioactive waters and yell WAHOO !!!      |  numbered!" - #1, "The Prisoner"
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voice: KC5VDJ - 6 & 2 Meters AM/FM/SSB, 70cm FM.   http://www.tfs.net/~jbryant
HF/6M/2M: IC-706-MkII, 2M: HTX-212, 2M: HTX-202, 70cm: HTX-404, Packet: KPC-3+

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