I have been investigating the silo overflow situation for some time.

I can trigger them every time by the following action:

- Run M.A.M.E. (Multi arcade machine emulator) and then try to
download something. (I am using user mode ppp).

I believe that the sio driver is its own worst enemy in that once
you get one silo overflow, it seems that the driver tries to compensate
but it only makes it worse as I continue to get them and the serial port
is unusable after that.   Exiting MAME doesn't help, I have to reboot
or I will be unable to do the smallest thing such as download my mail.

I dont think its just MAME but rather anything that thrashes the
interrupt system.

This is not related to newbus as it occurrred before then in just the
same manner.

I have seen this effect on my home system no matter what combination
of motherboard, modem, serial hardware.

I was running a patch to sio.c before newbus came in to improve the
speed at which the FIFO buffers were processed but MAME would still
trigger the start of the silo overflow storm.

With either a patched or unpatched system I can download huge files
no problems as long as I dont run MAME at any time.

Now dont say "just dont do that" (I know some of you will want to).

Kernel config is attached.
/etc/ppp/ppp.conf (edited) is attached.
dmesg output is also attached.

| Work: matthew.th...@dsto.defence.gov.au | Home: thy...@camtech.net.au |
"If it is true that our Universe has a zero net value for all conserved
quantities, then it may simply be a fluctuation of the vacuum of some
larger space in which our Universe is imbedded. In answer to the
question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our
Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time."
 E. P. Tryon   from "Nature" Vol.246 Dec.14, 1973
# Machine with Ultra DMA 32 Bit WD disk, ATAPI CD-ROM, SB16, NE2000 NIC,
#  NCR PCI SCSI, APM and Intel PIIX power management.
#       $Id: MATTE,v 11.8 1999/05/02 01:06:00 +09:30 matt Exp $
# based on: $Id: LINT,v 1.589 1999/04/24 21:45:44 peter Exp $
machine         i386
ident           "MATTE"
maxusers        20
options         INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE     # Include this file in kernel
config          kernel  root on wd0
cpu             I686_CPU
options         CPU_DISABLE_5X86_LSSER  # Dont use if you use memory mapped I/O 
options         CPU_FASTER_5X86_FPU     # Faster FPU exception handler
options         NO_F00F_HACK            # Disable Pentium F00F hack
options         COMPAT_43               # Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
options         USER_LDT                # Let processes manipulate their local 
descriptor table (needed for WINE)
options         SYSVSHM                 # Enable SYSV style shared memory
options         SYSVSEM                 # Enable SYSV style semaphores
options         SYSVMSG                 # Enable SYSV style message queues
options         MD5                     # Include a MD5 routine in the kernel
options         VM86                    # Allow processes to switch to vm86 
mode (needed for doscmd)
options         DDB                     # Enable the kernel debugger
#options                INVARIANTS              # Extra sanity checking (slower)
#options                INVARIANT_SUPPORT       # Include sanity checking 
options         UCONSOLE                # Allow users to grab the console
options         USERCONFIG              # Boot -c editor
options         VISUAL_USERCONFIG       # Visual boot -c editor
options         INET                    # Internet communications protocols
# Network interfaces:
pseudo-device   ether                   # Generic Ethernet
pseudo-device   loop                    # Network loopback device
pseudo-device   tun     1               # Tunnel driver(user process ppp)
pseudo-device   streams                 # SysVR4 STREAMS emulation
options         FFS                     # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options         FFS_ROOT                # FFS usable as root device
options         NFS                     # Network Filesystem
options         CD9660                  # ISO 9660 Filesystem
options         MFS                     # Memory Filesystem
options         MSDOSFS                 # MSDOS Filesystem
options         PROCFS                  # Process Filesystem
options         NSWAPDEV=4              # Allow this many swap-devices
options         SOFTUPDATES             # SoftUpdates aka delayed writes
controller      pci0
controller      ncr0
options         P1003_1B
options         _KPOSIX_VERSION=199309L
controller      scbus0  at ncr0         # Base SCSI code
disk            da0     at scbus0 target 0
disk            da1     at scbus0 target 1
disk            da2     at scbus0 target 2
disk            da3     at scbus0 target 3
disk            da4     at scbus0 target 4
disk            da5     at scbus0 target 5
disk            da6     at scbus0 target 6
options         SCSI_DELAY=500          # Only wait 0.5 seconds for SCSI
pseudo-device   pty     64              # Pseudo ttys - can go as high as 256
pseudo-device   gzip                    # Exec gzipped a.out's
pseudo-device   vn      4               # Vnode driver (turns a file into a 
options         MSGBUF_SIZE=81920       # Size of the kernel message buffer
controller      isa0
options         AUTO_EOI_1              # Save 0.7-1.25 usec for each interrupt
controller      pnp0                    # Enable PnP support in the kernel
controller      atkbdc0 at isa? port IO_KBD
device          atkbd0  at atkbdc? irq 1
device          vga0    at isa? port ? conflicts
pseudo-device   splash                  # Splash screen at start up!
device          sc0     at isa?
options         MAXCONS=12              # Number of virtual consoles
options         SC_HISTORY_SIZE=800     # Number of history buffer lines
options         VESA                    # Needs VM86 defined too!!
device          npx0    at nexus? port IO_NPX iosiz 0x0 flags 0x0 irq 13
controller      ata0
device          atadisk0                # ATA disk drives
device          atapicd0                # ATAPI CDROM drives
#device         wcd0
#controller     wdc0    at isa? port IO_WD1 irq 14 flags 0xa0ffa0ff
#disk           wd0     at wdc0 drive 0
#controller     wdc1    at isa? port IO_WD2 irq 15 flags 0xa0ffa0ff
controller      fdc0    at isa? port IO_FD1 irq 6 drq 2
disk            fd0     at fdc0 drive 0
device          psm0    at atkbdc? irq 12
device          ppc0    at isa? port? irq 7
controller      ppbus0
device          lpt0    at ppbus?
device          plip0   at ppbus?
device          ppi0    at ppbus?
device          sio0    at isa? port IO_COM1 irq 4 flags 0x10
device          sio1    at isa? port IO_COM2 irq 3
options         CONSPEED=38400          # Speed for serial console (default 
device          ed0     at isa? port 0x300 irq 9 iomem 0xd8000
device          apm0    at nexus?
controller      smbus0
controller      intpm0
device          smb0    at smbus?
device          joy0    at isa? port IO_GAME
#device         pcm0    at isa? port? irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x15
controller      snd0
device          sb0     at isa? port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1
device          sbxvi0  at isa? drq 5
device          sbmidi0 at isa? port 0x330
device          opl0    at isa? port 0x388
#       PPP  Sample Configuration File
#         Originally written by Toshiharu OHNO
# $Id: ppp.conf.sample,v 1.28 1997/12/31 03:58:45 brian Exp $
 set log chat connect phase
 set device /dev/cuaa1
 set speed 115200
 allow users matt
 deny lqr
 deny chap
 set timeout 0
 set ifaddr

 set phone 82285100
 set login "TIMEOUT 10 sername:--sername: BLAHU assword: BLAHP"

Copyright (c) 1992-1999 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #0: Sun May  2 01:10:27 CST 1999
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
CPU: Celeron (463.91-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x660  Stepping=0
real memory  = 67108864 (65536K bytes)
config> pnp 1 0 bios enable
avail memory = 62140416 (60684K bytes)
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc02ed000.
Preloaded userconfig_script "/boot/kernel.conf" at 0xc02ed09c.
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled, default memory type is uncacheable
Probing for PnP devices:
CSN 1 Vendor ID: CTL0024 [0x24008c0e] Serial 0x100a1ec0 Comp ID: PNP0600 
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
apm0: <APM BIOS> on motherboard
apm: found APM BIOS version 1.2
pcib0: <PCI host bus adapter> on motherboard
pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
chip0: <Intel 82443BX host to PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci0
chip1: <Intel 82443BX host to AGP bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0
isab0: <Intel 82371AB PCI to ISA bridge> at device 7.0 on pci0
ata-pci0: <Intel PIIX4 IDE controller> at device 7.1 on pci0
ata-pci0: Busmastering DMA supported
ata0 at 0x01f0 irq 14 on ata-pci0
chip2: <Intel 82371AB Power management controller> at device 7.3 on pci0
ncr0: <ncr 53c810 fast10 scsi> at device 13.0 on pci0
ncr0: interrupting at irq 11
isa0: <ISA bus> on motherboard
atkbdc0: <keyboard controller (i8042)> at port 0x60 on isa0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> on atkbdc0
atkbd0: interrupting at irq 1
psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> on atkbdc0
psm0: model IntelliMouse, device ID 3
psm0: interrupting at irq 12
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> on isa0
sc0: <System console> on isa0
sc0: VGA color <12 virtual consoles, flags=0x0>
fdc0: interrupting at irq 6
fdc0: <NEC 72065B or clone> at port 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> at fdc0 drive 0
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio0: interrupting at irq 4
sio1 at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0
sio1: type 16550A
sio1: interrupting at irq 3
ed0 at port 0x300-0x31f irq 9 on isa0
ed0: address 00:00:e8:20:33:e8, type NE2000 (16 bit) 
ed0: interrupting at irq 9
joy0 at port 0x201 on isa0
joy0: joystick
sb0 at port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 on isa0
snd0: <SoundBlaster 16 4.13> 
sb0: interrupting at irq 5
sbxvi0 at drq 5 on isa0
snd0: <SoundBlaster 16 4.13> 
sbmidi0 at port 0x330 on isa0
snd0: <SoundBlaster MPU-401> 
opl0 at port 0x388 on isa0
snd0: <Yamaha OPL3 FM> 
ata0: master: settting up UDMA2 mode on PIIX4 chip OK
ad0: <IBM-DHEA-36480/HE8OA40F> ATA-3 disk at ata0 as master
ad0: 6197MB (12692736 sectors), 12592 cyls, 16 heads, 63 S/T, 512 B/S
ad0: piomode=4, dmamode=2, udmamode=2
ad0: 16 secs/int, 0 depth queue, DMA mode
changing root device to wd0s2a
ffs_mountfs: superblock updated for soft updates
ed0: device timeout

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