I've been doing some reading and I think I have a grip on what I need
to do to go from 2.2.8-Release to -current on my scratch box. Please
check me and let me know if I've got it right:

1. Install 3.1-Stable sources
2. make upgrade
3. make world
4. make new kernel
5. reboot
6. Install -current sources
7. make world
8. make new kernel
9. reboot

        Now, the main question I have is, at what points do I want to upgrade
/etc? I ask both for my own edification, and for the purpose of testing
the new version of mergemaster. I generally upgrade /etc/ before I make
world (after backing up of course) so I'm guessing I want to do it
between #2 and #3, and again between #6 and #7. 


***           Chief Operations Officer, DALnet IRC network          ***

Nominated for quote of the year is the statement made by Representative
Dick Armey (Texas), who when asked if he were in the President's place,
would he resign, responded:

"If I were in the President's place I would not get a chance to resign.
I would be lying in a pool of my own blood hearing Mrs. Armey standing
over me saying, 'How do I reload this damn thing?'"

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