> after building 4-current (cvsupped yesterday) I'm using OpenSSH now. I'm
> starting my X11 session with ssh-agent and using ssh-add in my
> .xsession. Unfortunally there's no ssh-askpass build in 4-current (and
> ssh-add is build with
> '#define SSH_ASKPASS_DEFAULT "/usr/X11R6/bin/ssh-askpass"') so I'm not
> able to add my identity to the ssh agent at login time, I have to do it
> manually from a xterm.

I'm not really sure what this ssh-askpass thing is or where it was
supposed to come from, but I found a great lack of information on
it when I switched myself to openssh (from the ports collection) a
long time ago, and in the interim I just put this in my .xsession

        env SSH_ASKPASS="$HOME/Bin/ssh-askpass.sh" ssh-add < /dev/null

Where $HOME/Bin/ssh-askpass.sh is a simple shell script:

xprompt -rfn nil2 -re -p "Enter your password"

The xprompt program can be found in /usr/ports/x11/xprompt

- Jordan

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