On Jun 5,  5:43pm, John-Mark Gurney wrote:
} Subject: Re: RE: net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive on as default ?
} Garrett Wollman scribbled this message on Jun 5:
} > <<On Sat, 5 Jun 1999 16:09:00 -0400 (EDT), Brian Feldman 
<gr...@unixhelp.org> said:
} > 
} > > FWIW, I think only a fool would want a computer to NOT drop dead 
} > > Any "connection" that doesn't respond after 8 $^&! tries spaced FAR apart 
} > > NOT deserve to stay.
} > 
} > If they are spaced too far apart, it is possible for perfectly
} > legitimate connections to get shot down as a result of external
} > periodicities.  (Does somebody's router reset every day at 2:45?  If
} > so, better hope no keepalives are scheduled for then!)
} yes, but are routers normally down for a couple hours??  if they are,
} you have other problems than worring about connections...

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