> I have added more debugging messages, and the crash appears to be inside
> mp_start().  I don't have a log because this is too early in the boot 
> to get the messages saved anywhere, and they go by too quickly to
> write it down.  The evidence that this is an SMP problem is simple -
> with 2 cpu's plugged in, it works fine;  with 3 or 4 cpu's plugged in,
> it crashes.
Could you narrow down the crash further inside mp_start()? I'd like to
know whether the crash occurred inside start_all_aps(). One or two lines of
debug messages would be really helpful, you don't have to write down the exact
words. Do you have options DDB enabled in the kernel? It helps to stop
the last few lines of console messages to scroll of the screen.

> I believe the hardware is fine because I was previously running 
> 19990421-CURRENT with all 4 cpu's without serious problems (it was
> a little unstable, but always booted ok).
If possible, could you try a kernel built from sources with the
POST_SMP_VMSHARE tag? I may have broken something during the commit.


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