On 5/3/2010 6:23 PM, Mark Atkinson wrote:
> On 5/3/2010 1:33 PM, Chris Ruiz wrote:
>> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Mark Atkinson <atkin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> I updated a border gateway yesterday from a Feb 23 kernel to a May 2
>>> version kernel/world, and lost my connectivity to my gif0 HE tunnel.
>>> I've been using the following in /etc/rc.conf successfully for some time
>>> to establish the tunnel:
>>> ifconfig_gif0="inet6 [MY V6 ENDPOINT] [HE V6 ENDPOINT] prefixlen 128"
>> There's your problem, bad syntax.  Change it to this:
>> ifconfig_gif0_ipv6="inet6 [MY V6 ENDPOINT] [HE V6 ENDPOINT] prefixlen 128"
> OK I finally got this to work, however, I cannot boot to single user,
> and then 'exit' to mutli-user and have it work.  I'm not sure what's
> broken there.
> Also, I'm still having a problem with 'tentative'.   For example I
> assigned the internal interface with my prefix manually:
> ifconfig internal inet6 [prefix]/64 eui64
> 'tentative' is supposed to disappear after DAD, but instead 'hangs on'
> indefinitely.  There appears to be a bug there.  There is no collision
> unless it's seeing it's own broadcast somehow.  Even if it did, there's
> no log/complaining.
> If I set dad count to 0 and remove and re-add the address, still stuck.

OK, I apparently I have to enable nd6 with -ifenabled.  Somehow I missed
that this became the default along the way.

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