On 2010-07-15 at 18:00, Marius Strobl wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 02:34:23PM +0200, Stle Kristoffersen wrote:
> > Upgraded to from stable to current yesterday and very quickly received a
> > panic. It did however not dump it's core, so I was unable to debug it.
> > Today it did panic again, and I took a picture: (Sorry about the bad
> > quality)
> > 
> > http://folk.uio.no/stalk/mpt/IMG_1403.JPG
> > 
> > And from the backtrace:
> > http://folk.uio.no/stalk/mpt/IMG_1404.JPG
> > 
> > Both times I hade the mpt0: request timed out just before the panic.
> > 
> > I'm not sure why it's not dumping it's core (It was working under stable,
> > and I have dumpdev="AUTO" and dumpdir="/var/crash" in rc.conf)
> What revision were you using?

Not sure exactly what revision I was using, is there an easy way to figure
that out? I ran cvsupdate around 13:00 CEST yesterday.

> Does using current as of r209598 make a difference?

Downgrading now...

Ståle Kristoffersen
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