At 10:37 PM +0100 3/6/00, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
>William Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How do we update it, ie, when a updated version comes out.
>OpenSSH doesn't really have releases. The upstream version is
>straight out of the OpenBSD repository. I assume several of our
>developers monitor the OpenBSD commits and will carry over any

Out of the OpenBSD repository, or out of the OpenSSH project?
Note that www.openssh.COM currently says:

      *NEW* OpenSSH 1.2.3 released March 6, 2000

which sounds a lot like a new release to me...

> > I would rather not make world just to update that.
>How do you handle updates to any other part of the system? Why do
>you consider openssh a special case?

I think openssh is a bit different than most things in the current
base system, in that it is still in rapid development, and some of
those developments WILL be of immediate interest to sites using
openSSH (in particular, some of the improvements to compatibility
with other implementations of ssh1).

>You can usually update individual parts of FreeBSD without doing
>a "make world". cd /usr/src/... && make -jX install && make clean.

While I do think OpenSSH is something of a special case, this answer
should be fine for my own purposes.  I was also wondering how easy
it would be to update just openssh without updating all of the world.

Garance Alistair Drosehn           =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer          or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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