On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:38 PM, David Wolfskill <da...@catwhisker.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 08:56:13PM -0500, Brandon Gooch wrote:
>> ...
>> > Any ideas on what mught be causing CURRENT to hang -- sometimes
>> > -- given that it appears to involve the Modular Bay (or the specific
>> > device that is in the bay during the hang)?
>> >
>> If you haven't already, it may be worth trying 'options ATA_CAM' in
>> your kernel config.
> Well, I hadn't, so I tried it.  And since I had read the note:
> # ATA_CAM:              Turn ata(4) subsystem controller drivers into cam(4)
> #                       interface modules. This deprecates all ata(4)
> #                       peripheral device drivers (atadisk, ataraid, atapicd,
> #                       atapifd, atapist, atapicam) and all user-level APIs.
> #                       cam(4) drivers and APIs will be connected instead.
> I had an idea that /etc/fstab would need a global edit (though I
> didn't know what device would be used).
> Attempting a single-user mode boot clarified that for me:
>        :s/ad4/ada0/
> Fortunately, I'm in the habit of keeping more than one bootable slice
> around, so I was able to accomplish that.
> And -- probably more important for this discussion -- I was unable to
> re-create the failing condition: the machine booted Just Fine every
> time I tried it, whether the CD/DVD drive was inserted or not.
> Now, this seems a bit more like a circumvention or diagnostic aid
> (to me) than an actual solution -- or am I misunderstanding?
> Thanks for the suggestion, though!

The ATA_CAM option allows the use of the new CAM ATA infrastructure,
replacing the legacy operation of the ATA devices. The following may
be enlightening:


I've been using it now on all of my newer machines; it's well worth
the slight changes to your setups considering what you stand to gain.
I definitely would not consider it a work-around, unless you
absolutely require legacy operation of some device.

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