on 12/10/2010 12:00 Ivan Klymenko said the following:
> В Tue, 12 Oct 2010 11:51:05 +0300
> Andriy Gapon <a...@icyb.net.ua> пишет:
>> on 12/10/2010 11:35 Ivan Klymenko said the following:
>>> --i choose a user, enter a password and press "Enter"
>> have you switched to text console after the above and before the next?
> After the system hangs - no

I specifically asked if you switched to text console right after pressing Enter
in the above step.  Sorry if that was not clear.

> after a reboot - yes - I went to the console and rebuilt world and kernel 
> version r231507 again ...
>>> --takes a few seconds and my system hangs
>>> --I press CTRL + ALT + ESC, but nothing happens
>> You might want to add DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS.
> Yes, I can, but this whole procedure takes me many hours ...
> I have FreeBSD - the only system on the PC and I need it in working order - 
> I'm working on it
> Surely no one will be able to repeat my steps, that would verify this
> especially since I've written previously that the cause may be in the vfs ...

Not sure what your point is.
So far you seem to be the only one who has the problem (or has reported it, at

Andriy Gapon
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