In my last posting, I described changing some BIOS setting individually.  
After some feedback, I have tried to change a group of settings.  I changed 
the following three settings before booting the installation disks:
   BIOS parameter              Default     Changed to
   --------------              --------    ----------
   PCI IRQ Sharing             No          Yes
   Plug and Play OS            Yes         No
   Reset Resource Assignments  No          Yes

These changes seem to be in line with the suggestions that I received, and 
to allow the most flexibility.

RESULT: No change in behavior.

Other BIOS settings that may be of interest, with default settings:

Chipset Options
  CPU to PCI Delayed Transaction       Enabled
  CPU to PCI IDE Write Posting         Enabled
  WC Write Posting                     Disabled
  PCI 32-clock Target Timer            Enabled
  PCI-to-DRAM Pipeline                 Enabled
  Burst Write Combining                Enabled
  Read-Around-Write                    Enabled
  SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay               3
  SDRAM CAS Latency                    3
  SDRAM RAS Precharge Time             3
  MA Wait Status                       Slow

Memory Options
  Internal Cache (CPU Cache)           Enabled
  External Cache                       Enabled
     Cache Scheme (informative only)   Write Back

  Memory at 15MB-16MB Reserved for     System
  Memory Parity Mode                   Disabled
  C800h-0FFFFh Shadow                  Disabled

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