El día Tuesday, April 26, 2011 a las 10:22:21AM +0100, David Woodhouse escribió:

> >   crash, i.e. it is *not* the typical hardware related crash;
> > - the above mentioned version evolution-exchange-2.32.1_1 is a fake, in
> >   real it is compiling the original evolution-exchange-2.32.3 sources;
> > - it is fully reproduceable
> > 
> > What next?
> > (David, should it be posted to evolut...@gnome.org as well?)
> Looks like a compiler bug, so probably not. 
> What version of GCC? You probably want to file a PR at gcc.gnu.org.
> ....
> Then you can go to gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla and file a PR.

Thanks for your hints concerning the GCC problem; I will collect the
data and file a bug report;

> In the meantime, however, if you don't need evolution-exchange then you
> can just ignore this problem and get on with the other things you were
> trying to test?

I need the evolution-exchange connector; can I live with 2.32.1 while
evolution and its dataserver are 2.32.3? If not, I must go back fully to
2.32.1 after the debugging of the calendar stuff;


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <g...@unixarea.de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
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