Hi Luigi Rizzo! 

On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:14:27 +0200; Luigi Rizzo wrote about 'Re: [PATCH] ipfw 
call/return rule actions':

>> I have made a patch http://nuclight.avtf.net/vadim/ipfw_call_20110620.diff
>> which adds a "call" and "return" rule actions to make it possible to
>> organize "subroutines" with rules - "skipto" is like "goto" and only
>> allows jumps forward, not backward.
>> This could be useful to help doing somewaht like per-interface ACL,
>> something similar to pf anchors or iptables chains.
>> Please test, hope to see this committed soon and released in 9.0 !

> nice function and nice implementation.
> It does not affect any existing ruleset etc. so it should really
> be an easy addition, even if we don't make it for 9.0 there are
> no ABI issues to be worried about.

Yes, could you commit this? The newer version of patch is at
http://nuclight.avtf.net/vadim/ipfw_call_20110621.diff - I have fixed
a panic on incorrectly given ruleset (listing below is after fix) and
another caveat to BUGS section.

# ipfw zero && ping -c 2 && ipfw show
00500  2  168 call 2000 ip from to any
00600  2  168 count log ip from to any
00700 10 1144 skipto 3999 ip from any to any
00999  0    0 allow ip from any to any
02000  2  168 count ip from any to any // entry of subr
02100  2  168 count log ip from any to any
02999  2  168 return log ip from any to any // leave subr
03600  0    0 count log ip from to any
04000 34 2856 call 4000 ip from any to any src-ip
05000 34 2856 return ip from any to any src-ip
65534 10 1144 allow ip from any to any
65535  0    0 deny ip from any to any

Would be very well to have this feature in 9.0R and later MFCed to 8-STABLE,
the analogue of iptables' chains is long-awaited by some users and will make
FreeBSD more competitive with other network OSes.

> By chance have you tried to measure the cost of a call/return pair ?

No, the test was inside VirtualBox, I have no lab to do full performance
testing. But in fact this is "ipfw tag" plus "ipfw skipto", and the former
has relatively low impact on performance, while not so low, though.

Performance of entire mbuf tags alloc could be improved, I have ideas, but
this is definitely not a task for 9.0 already. Also, call/return has
absolutely no impact for those who do not use them, and those who do use
usually have already too complex ruleset for any sych performance costs
to be justified.

WBR, Vadim Goncharov. ICQ#166852181       mailto:vadim_nucli...@mail.ru
[Moderator of RU.ANTI-ECOLOGY][FreeBSD][http://antigreen.org][LJ:/nuclight]

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