On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:22 PM, Hartmann, O.
<ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> But the lack of response and non-shown interests shows a undeobtly signal
> that freeBSD seems to be
> dead for the HPC community and this could be also an indication for the lack
> of CUDA support
> by nVidia, Why performing efforts if no one cares? A great chance seems to
> have passed by ...

I may be interested in CUDA/HPC as well in the near
future, and I will likely use some dedicated Linux boxes
as compute servers for that purpose. Of course I'd prefer
a FreeBSD native solution, but I won't wait for Godot until
that materializes out of thin air.

Of course, while having native solutions would be great,
the next best solution, a working Linuxulator that groks
enough Linux drivers to run the Linux OpenCL and other
HPC tools would be better than nothing. But not being
familiar with the interfaces concerned and not being able
to contribute making that happen, I'm not complaining.


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