On Wed, 7 Sep 2011 23:55:23 +0200
Sebastian Chmielewski <chmi...@o2.pl> wrote:

> hi
> I've tried to import my zfs pool on:
> FreeBSD-9.0-BETA1-amd64-memstick.img
> My system currently runs 9.0-BETA1 and pool works correctly.
> zpool import returns:
>   pool: zroot
>     id: 3239789026273107181
>  state: FAULTED
> status: One or more devices contains corrupted data.
> action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.
> The pool may be active on another system, but can be imported using
> the '-f' flag.
>    see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-5E
> config:
> zroot                  FAULTED  corrupted data
>   9327291201483595311  UNAVAIL  corrupted data

The same symptoms are for FreeBSD-9.0-BETA2-amd64-memstick.img.

Andriy Gapon suggests that it's the same as issue described in this thread,
I've checked that mounting root and importing pool from command line doesn't
Pool can be imported and used on 8.2 and I'm running 9.0 r225439M, only when
booted from memstick I can't import it.

best regards,
Sebastian Chmielewski * jid:chmielss...@gmail.com * gg:3336919 * icq:224161389
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