> I don't know what's out there having chosen only one such card for
> home use. So you'll need to do your own research. Start with looking
> at any card with the right chip and then look for evidence that people
> have used said card with FreeBSD.

LSI has the SAS 9200-8e, which is based on the SAS 2008 chipset, which the mps 
(not the mpt) driver claims to support.  We are currently using another 
controller that uses the SAS 2008 chipset in this same box for the internal OS 
drives and have not had any problems with it.  So, that makes me feel good.

Does anyone have any recommendation for or against the 9200-8e?

Tim Gustafson                                                t...@soe.ucsc.edu
Baskin School of Engineering                                     831-459-5354
UC Santa Cruz                                         Baskin Engineering 317B
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