><"Thomas Mueller <mueller6727"@bellsouth.net>

There was a typo on my part that I failed to correct, missing > at the end of

From: "Thomas Mueller" <mueller6...@bellsouth.net

Responding to Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> and others on the boot 

So the 64 KB boot partition, nonbootable on my computer, is for legacy BIOS and 
no good on UEFI?

But I was able to boot the installation memstick for BETA1 and BETA2.

If the 64 KB boot partition is nonfunctional for me, I'd like it to be 
optional.  Or maybe the installation would go through even without the boot 

I notice there is no /usr/mdec directory in FreeBSD 9.0-to-be as there was in 
FreeBSD 8.2 and still is in NetBSD.

Another question on the same general topic, the new bsdinstaller:

Is the home directory supposed to be /home or /usr/home?

I wanted /home, but the installer made /home into a symbolic link to /usr/home, 
 I corrected this successfully, but later saw, regarding PC-BSD 9.0-BETA2:
Auto correct if user tries to use /home to /usr/home
(end of quote)

I think I did

rm /home
mv /usr/home /


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