Unheedful of thy elder's warnings, Kelly Yancey wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Nicolai Petri (ML) wrote:
> > 
> > Am I the only one who thinks that having a .sample file containing active
> > settings is a not so great ting ?
> > 
> > Why not simply rename it to pccard.conf, pccard.conf.default or
> > default/pccard.conf

The correct would be the later, and I'll be doing that soon. It hasn't
been done yet for weird reasons better left unsaid. :-)

>   I assumed that the .sample was to emphasize the need to customize it as
> needed and save it as pccard.conf (where pccardd expects to find it).

You'd be right, if you were right. :-) Pccardd expects what you said,
but defaults/rc.conf configures it to read pccard.conf.sample. In other
words, what is used is the .sample file, *NOT* the customized version,
unless you change that in /etc/rc.conf[.local].

>   It doesn't strike me as a candidate for /etc/defaults/ unless it is made
> to include /etc/pccard.conf if it exists and override and config entries
> that are duplicated (i.e. if it were truly just defaults that could be
> overridden).

That's my plan.

>   In other words, it may not be intuitive, but it fits the existing
> protocol.

The .sample file is being read because we need pccardd ok for sysinstall
from pcmcia ethernet cards.

Daniel C. Sobral                  (8-DCS)

I have had my television aerials removed.  It's the moral equivalent
of a prostate operation.
                -- Malcolm Muggeridge

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