On Friday, November 11, 2011 08:17:52 AM you wrote:
> My sentence is NOT about "Current" , but 9.0 RC1 .
> Perhaps , you will NOT say , if a person is NOT knowledgeable , he should
> NOT use 9.0 RC1 .

If you use a proper RC, then pkg_add will work until a new RC, and since there 
is no binary upgrade path for anything other than releases, you will need to 
reinstall, with the newly released RC.

> Up to now , my most disappointed situation is that , there is NO any
> tendency to
> lower required expertise level to use FreeBSD .
> Such an approach is confining FreeBSD to a small number of elite users
>  when compared to millions of Linux users let alone hundred millions of
> some other operating systems which they are approaching to billions when
> version users are summed in spite of paying money also .

GhostBSD, PCBSD are two options for "lower expertise" and, as such, are billed 
as desktop versions of FreeBSD.

FreeBSD itself (as well as the other BSDs) is a minimalistic OS, where you can 
build your own system, making it either into a server, workstation, or even 
into a desktop system if you so desire.

If you want something with point-n-click ease of use, go use one of the two 
desktop-oriented versions.

Both GhostBSD, and PCBSD are just a desktop environment built on top of 
FreeBSD.  PCBSD even has a 9.0 RC out now as well, if you're into testing.

PCBSD uses the kde environment, and GhostBSD uses the gnome 2.32 environment.  
If you want something else, feel free to create your own. There is nothing in 
the BSD license that prevents you from doing that.

Instead of complaining that SOMEONE ELSE should do something that YOU want 
done, why not just do it yourself.

In other words, put up, or shut up. :)

Chuck Burns
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