Sean Bruno schreef:
On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 02:08 -0800, Peter Maloney wrote:
And what problems did you run into?

More or less, trying to do gmirror(4) style mirroring on GPT partitions
doesn't work.  See
for the BIG RED WARNING that says why.

This guide worked for me:
That, along with a lot of how to's, is out of date in the FreeBSD 9
world.  I would suspect that my experience of attempting to setup a
mirrored volume won't be unique.

BSDInstaller and its predecessor Sysinstall don't have any code to
create or destroy zfs(4) or geom(4) volumes.  So, the amount of exposure
to real users is approaching 0 in comparison to the number of people who
really do use FreeBSD.

I have my hands full with other projects at the moment, but I'm more
than happy to grant access to a two disk SATA server if someone wants to
enhance BSDInstall with zfs(4) or geom(4) volume management features.

At a minimum, you *should* be able to take 2 disks and make a mirrored
volume with either tool.

also a good guide is here.
And gmirror GPT partitions is no problem, only with whole disks is where problems arise.

Johan Hendriks
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