
These are my own perosnal findings with machines I've tinkered with.
Nothing scientific about them.  I did a few trials FTPing a 600MB file 
around on a 100Mb switched network between to machines (they were not 
identical, but used the same ones for both tests), once with Intel 
PRO/100 adapters, and once with 3com parralel tasking (forgot the 
model number) adapters.  I watched top both times, and noticed that 
the Intels had lower interupt %s, and finished the job about 5-30 
seconds faster (varied on each run).  Both machines used wu-ftpd and were running 
3.2 - R at the time.

> > fxp0:  The Intel driver is by far the highest preformance model,
> > beats the 3com (second best) hands down with much lower CPU 
> > overhead.
> Do you actually have any numbers to quantify this?  There's nothing in 
> the driver architecture nor any of my testing that would suggest this is 
> actually the case at this point.

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