On 19/12/2011 08:27, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
>   Here is one problem: we have choice from three items:
> (1) Make FreeBSD looks good on benchmarks by "fixing" FreeBSD
> (2) Make FreeBSD looks good on benchmarks by "fixing" Phoronix
> (communication with them, convincing, that they benchamrks are unfare
> / meaningless, ets)

(2a) Ignore Phoronix, other than explaining concisely why their numbers
are complete balderdash.  Publish our own benchmarks, done with care and
rigour and using well defined, repeatable, peer reviewed methodology
that anyone can repeat.  Aggressively publicise these results.

> (3) Lose [potential] userbase.

Indeed.  Unfortunately "performance" is /the/ deciding factor in many OS
choices, never mind that it is an impossibly complex subject to
generalise to a few management-friendly numbers in a one-size-fits-all
abstract way.  Having only one source of published numbers suggesting
that "OS Foo is better" *even if those numbers are completely bogus*
will have a disproportionate effect.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey     Ramsgate
JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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