Well, the whole kernel is bloated at the moment, sorry.

I've been trying to build the _bare minimum_ required to bootstrap
-HEAD on these embedded boards and I can't get the kernel down below 5
megabytes - ie, one with FFS (with options disabled), MIPS, INET (no
INET6), net80211, ath (which admittedly is big, but I need it no
matter what, right?) comes in at:

-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   5307021 Nov 29 19:14 kernel.LSSR71

And with INET6, on another board (and this includes MSDOS and the
relevant geom modules):

-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   5916759 Nov 28 12:00 kernel.RSPRO

.. honestly, that's what should be addressed. That's honestly a bit ridiculous.


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