On 01/25/12 09:42, Mickaël Maillot wrote:
2012/1/25 Alexander Motin <m...@freebsd.org <mailto:m...@freebsd.org>>

                What I've forgot is to allow 8ch format. :) Add the
        patch below.
                sound(4) has no other limitations for it.

            Hmm. Looks like there is some limitation. You may grep
        kernel for
            AFMT_PASSTHROUGH and find two "XXX force ..." comments and code,
            including forcing 2 channels for AC3. Luckily for not part for
            frequency is commented out. Further we may try to comment or
            part about number of channels.

        spotted and commented

        so if my problem persist after settings 8 channels, i'll blame
        xbmc oss

ok so unfortunately it's does not work :(
first: with vchan disable, i cant set format to AFMT_AC3, ioctl always
return -1
in /v/l/messages:
Jan 25 08:09:18 htpc kernel: pcm4: chn_setformat(): Format change
0x00100400 failed, falling back to 0x00100008
so may be my change in sys/dev/sound/pcm/channel.c is not good ? i just
     /* XXX force stereo */
     if (format & AFMT_PASSTHROUGH)
         format = SND_FORMAT(format, AFMT_PASSTHROUGH_CHANNEL,

Commenting it appeared not good, as at least mplayer doesn't sets channels for AC3. That makes sound(4) use default 1 channel for AC3, that is definitely not supported. I believe this should be better:

Also, as soon as sound(4) interprets 8 channel as 7.1 by default, I've changed previous patch a bit to allow both "8.0" and "7.1" AC3 formats:

For me this at least doesn't break normal AC3 operation and when I hacked mplayer to set 8 channels, I can see predictable codec configuration and time in mplayer predictably running 4 times faster. Unluckily mplayer seems doesn't support TrueHD passthrough to ckeck closer -- it always does decoding.

next with vchan: i can set ac3 to 2 channels and 8 channels.
when i try to play DTS HDMA or TRUEHD, i set ac3, 8 channels, 192k
and no sound ! before i had: dtshdma: some part of sound (like all data
cant be send) and truehd: some crapy bipbip
now everything seems to be ok for the player, procstat -f write counter
grows up, but no sound from my receiver: no channel input, nothing
showed, like nothing is send to him.
no error in xbmc.log or in messages:
Jan 25 08:15:35 htpc kernel: pcm4: chn_start(): VCHAN PARENT starting!
(PCMDIR_PLAY/running) (ready=8192 force=1 i=1 j=0 intrtimeout=2 latency=2ms)
Jan 25 08:15:35 htpc kernel: hdac1: 24576Kbps of 92160Kbps bandwidth used
Jan 25 08:15:35 htpc kernel: pcm4: PCMDIR_PLAY: Stream setup
fmt=02800400 (7.1) speed=192000
Jan 25 08:15:35 htpc kernel: pcm4: PCMDIR_PLAY: Stream setup nid=4:
fmt=0x1817, dfmt=0x0021, chan=0x0010, chan_count=0x07, stripe=1
Jan 25 08:15:35 htpc kernel: pcm4: chn_trigger() pcm4:play:dsp4.p0:
calling go=0x00000001 , prev=0xffffffff
Jan 25 08:15:35 htpc kernel: pcm4: chn_trigger() pcm4:virtual:dsp4.vp0:
calling go=0x00000001 , prev=0xffffffff

I've tried with both vchans on and off and found no difference. In both cases cases I had vchanformat set to "s16le:2.0", as vchan should just pass any ac3 through without conversion and set format is not important.

Alexander Motin
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