On Fri, 10 Feb 2012, Gonzalo Nemmi wrote:

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Eitan Adler <li...@eitanadler.com> wrote:
In conf/160689 (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=160689)

there has been some discussion about changing the default cshrc file.
In the same line that Wojciech on the PR ".cshrc should be updated for
modern hardware" I always set this ones on /usr/share/skel/dot.cshrc

bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line #make Home key work;
bindkey "\e[2~" overwrite-mode #make Ins key work;
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char #make Delete key work;
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line #make End key work;

Besides that I add an "if [ -d $HOME/bin ]" and add it to $PATH if it
exists, but that has nothing to do with ".cshrc should be updated for
modern hardware" ... it jsut comes in really handy.

The question becomes "how much is too much?" For example, ever since a thread in the forums showed examples of csh/tcsh autocompletion, I've thought the default .cshrc should be stuffed with them. Not for typing reduction so much as self-documenting commands like

complete chown          'p/1/u/'
complete man            'C/*/c/'
complete service        'n/*/`service -l`/'

'service' autocompletes with a list of services--it helps the user by showing valid choices. Same with 'chown', it gives a list of users.

Then there's this, which probably isn't quite right but has been useful to me (thanks to forum members for help with it):

complete make           'n@*@`make -pn | sed -n -E "/^[#_.\/[:blank:]]+/d; /=/d; 

That completes with all lower-case make targets for the current directory.

Package operations are easier when the package names autocomplete:

complete pkg_delete     'c/-/(i v D n p d f G x X r)/' \
                        'n@*@`ls /var/db/pkg`@'
complete pkg_info       'c/-/(a b v p q Q c d D f g i I j k K r R m L s o G O x 
X e E l t V P)/' \
                        'n@*@`\ls -1 /var/db/pkg | sed s%/var/db/pkg/%%`@'

There's lots more that could be done. Are they appropriate for a stock .cshrc? Maybe now is the time.
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