On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 09:18:08AM +0100, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting "Bjoern A. Zeeb" <bzeeb-li...@lists.zabbadoz.net> (from Wed,  
> 22 Feb 2012 22:31:36 +0000):
> > On 21. Feb 2012, at 13:35 , Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> >
> >> You can download from
> >>  http://www.Leidinger.net/FreeBSD/current-patches/
> >> The files are
> >>  - i386_SMALL
> >>  - i386_SMALL_loader.conf
> >>  - amd64_SMALL
> >>  - amd64_SMALL_loader.conf
> >
> > I only looked at the laoder.conf for amd64 and the only comment I  
> > have is that I do not have the time to wait minutes for all  
> > individual modules to be loaded.  This is going to be really bad for  
> > boot time.
> Well, nobody forces you to use it. And as can be seen on the lists,  
> there are patches floating around to improve the loading speed of the  
> loader.

You can also put most of the modules in rc.conf:
kld_list="umass u3g" ...

That speeds up loading the modules a lot.

> This is also just an example to be on par as much as possible with  
> GENERIC. People which want to use this kernel most probably want to  
> cut the loader.conf down and maybe even want to use the rc.conf  
> setting to load modules which are not needed to boot.

One additional advantage is that you have a bigger chance of a working
suspend / resume. Just unload all problematic modules before suspending
and re-load them after resuming.

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