Several time ago I tried to do some development within an IDE, not even
for lectural and educational purposes. Since most of our software is
written in C/C++ and OpenCL, I highly prefered ANJUTA, since this IDE
was highly customizable, flexible and even FreeBSD's ancient outdated
version in the ports suited our needs.

Anjuta does not compile anymore for a long time. I do not know why, I
filed a PR (ports/161494). So I was looking for an alternative.

I looked for some alternatives. The IDE should be configurable to use
CLANG. ECLIPSE is to large and it does not fit my purpose. I tried
devel/CodeBlocks, but CodeBlocks is narrowminded in terms of
configuration of an alternative compiler and I find it really hard and
not intuitiv to reconfigure the usage of CLANG.

devel/anjuta is broken, so no chance. I also tried KDevelop, since many
of our Linux based scientists feel good having this very popular IDE,
but it is marked "broken" on FreeBSD.

Before I waste more time on searching for a suitable IDE apart ANJUTA,
I'd like to ask people here what alternative they would suggest if the
focus is devel/anjuta. Eclipse is no way, KDevelop is broken, CodeBlocks
is incapable of being easily adapted to CLANG.

Befor people tend to start a flame war: yes, I'm fine with vi and I'm
also fine with vim/gvim, but our students need to have the opportunity
to work with an IDE and our projects are partially that large, so an IDE
is needed.

Thanks a lot for your patience and recommendations in advance.


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