On 09/03/2012 12:36, O. Hartmann wrote:
> Sorry if you feel boring by those messages, but soem of us still get wet
> eyes when it comes to OpenCL and LLVm (LLVM is supposed to become soon
> the backend compiler in FreeBSD, as I understand). On PHORONIX I read
> this message days ago:
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTA2NzM
> I think this is promising - in a way. Maybe some compiler specialists
> will have merci (as well as nVidia and AMD) and present soemday in the
> future OpenCL-based GPGPU capabilities for HPC on FreeBSD.

AFAIK this would only work if the GPU vendors release GPGPU drivers
which can be used with FreeBSD. The compiler part is only a minor one.

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