David O'Brien wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 11:48:02AM +0100, Jose M. Alcaide wrote:
> > Now, a week after the discussion, what do you think about my proposal
> > of the "g77" link under /usr/bin?
> What part about "NO" was unclear?

Hey, OK, don't get upset! :-) You are the maintainer, so you have the
authority about this issue. Simply, I thought that, after explaining
my arguments and Satoshi giving his opinion, there was a chance that
you might changed your mind. If this not the case, well, forget it.
I'll do, too. End of discussion.

-- JMA
José Mª Alcaide                         | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universidad del País Vasco              | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dpto. de Electricidad y Electrónica     | http://www.we.lc.ehu.es/~jose
Facultad de Ciencias - Campus de Lejona | Tel.:  +34-946012479
48940 Lejona (Vizcaya) - SPAIN          | Fax:   +34-946013071
 "Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers"  --  Leonard Brandwein

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