On 23 March 2012 09:20, Alexander Pyhalov <a...@rsu.ru> wrote:
> On 03/23/2012 01:52, Herbert J. Skuhra wrote:
>> On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 10:02:15 -0600
>> Efraín Déctor<efraindec...@motumweb.com>  wrote:
>>> Hello. I’m currently testing FreeBSD 9.0, I want to use it as a OS
>>> for a PostgreSQL Server. However, it is recommended to modified some
>>> paramerts such as semaphores
>>> (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/kernel-resources.html ):
>>> kern.ipc.semmap=256
>>> But when I tried to change the value on FreeBSD this pops up:
>>> sysctl: unknown oid 'kern.ipc.semmap'
>>> What Can I do to resolve this issue?.
>> This has been removed in r224016:
>> <http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/sys/kern/sysv_sem.c?r1=223825&r2=224016>
> Hello.
> Could someone briefly explain, why this tunable was removed? I couldn't find
> anything relevant in  9.0 release notes.

as it was explained in the comment to the commit that removed semmap,
this tune didn't do nothing since its appearance. If that really hurts you,
and you think that this will make you feel better, then you can always
revert that revision and continue to tune its option up :)

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