Den 01/05/2012 kl. 15.55 skrev Gary Palmer:
> If you want a high-level view of what goes on run
> ldd `which ls`
> check that it has libraries to load and doesn't say "not a dynamic ELF
> executable", and then run: 
> ktrace ls
> kdump | more
> All the system calls related to resolving and loading shared libraries
> take time.  I realise "ls" is not "make", but it should give you an
> idea.

Just for fun, I did some measurements with ktrace and a static vs dynamic make. 
I did 'ktrace make' and 'trace dynamicmake' ('dynamicmake' produced by running 
'make NO_SHARED=no' in /usr/src/usr.bin/make), just to see where time is spent 
when loading and running make in the static and dynamic cases. I did this 100 
times for each version (discarding the first run) and ran through ministat 
(numbers in msecs):

x static.dat
|               x             x                                                 
|               x x x       x x x            x                                  
|               x x x       x x x            x     x                            
|            x  x x x x   x x x x     x      x     x     x                      
|  x         x  x x x x   x x x x   x x      x x   x   x x                      
|  x       x x  x x x x x x x x x x x x  x x x x x x   x x                      
|x x       x x  x x x x x x x x x x x x  x x x x x x   x x x   x x  x x         
|               |_____________M__A_______________|                              
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x 100         2.228         2.266         2.242       2.24333       0.00794

x dynamic.dat
|                            x                                                  
|                            xx                                                 
|               x            xx   x x   x                                       
|               x            xx   x x   xx     x                                
|               x          x xx   x x   xx   x x x                              
|               x x    x x x xx   x x   xx   x x x               x              
|x          x   x xx   x x x xx x x x x xx x x x x  x            x              
|x     xx   x x x xx   x x x xx x x x x xx x x x x xx x x x x xx x          x x 
|                   |_____________M_A_______________|                           
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x 100         2.648         2.691         2.666        2.6669       0.00873

So the dynamic version is ca. 0.42 ms, or 16%, slower on my system.

I then compared a trace from a static and a dynamic 'make'. Both selected 
traces had a running time matching the median of that run. I cut away all 
common system calls etc., which resulted in just the steps involved in loading 
'make' to a state where it can start executing.

In the static case, this took 0.26 ms. In the dynamic case, this took 0.57 ms, 
or 0.31 ms (119%) more. The remaining ca. 0.11 ms (0.42 - 0.31) are mainly due 
to the dynamic version having slightly slower IO (read() and stat()). I have no 
idea why. The following are the notable steps in each version:

Static version:
 * 0.09 ms spent execve'ing /usr/bin/make
 * The rest is mostly sysctl calls

Dynamic version:
 * 0.09 ms spent execve'ing ./dynamicmake and /libexec/
 * 0.18 ms spent loading (incl. reading /etc/libmap.conf and 
 * 0.11 ms spent calling sysarch(0x81,0x7fffffffXXXX) (static version also does 
this but only uses 0.01 ms. No idea why)
 * The rest is mostly sysctl and sigprocmask calls

Loading of does indeed seem to be the main culprit.

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