i want to update single ring use the ringid

like code:
struct netmap_ring *ring = NETMAP_TXRING(me->nifp, ringid);
i can't find a way to do this.
so i try to change the netmap core.

add code sys/net/netmap.h
    struct node {
            int         ringid;
            int         update;
#define NIOCTXNODE      _IOWR('i', 150, struct node)

add code in sys/dev/netmap/netmap.c
        case NIOCTXNODE:
                if (priv == NULL) {
                        error = ENXIO;
                ifp = priv->np_ifp;
                na = NA(ifp);
                node->ringid += priv->np_qfirst;
                na->nm_txsync(ifp, node->ringid, 1 /* do lock */);
in my case.
    struct node node;
    node.ringid = s;
    node.update = 0;
    ioctl(me->fd, NIOCTXNODE, &node);

but her can't work. 
have some error in somewhere, i can't found it.
can your help me ? luigi.
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