On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Daniel Braniss <da...@cs.huji.ac.il> wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> This is an FYI to let people know about a really nice feature for those
>> that have ports installed which include kernel modules. You can place a
>> list in /etc/src.conf like this:
>> PORTS_MODULES=  emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod sysutils/fusefs-kmod
>> x11/nvidia-driver
>> which will cause those modules to be built and installed with all the
>> proper matching stuff at the same time as buildkernel and installkernel.
>> This feature has existed for a while, but has had "issues." Thanks to a
>> team effort it's a lot more robust now, and ready for prime time (in
>> HEAD, and the -STABLE branches for now, soon to be in 9.1-RELEASE).
>> Enjoy,
>> Doug
> nice!
> does it also work when cross-compiling? ie, using an amd64-freebsd-8.3 kernel
> to compile for i386-freebsd-8.2

    In theory, yes, however some of the environment required to
bootstrap some ports might be missing, depending on how the ports
module pokes around for data in /usr/src, etc.
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