On 22.06.12 09:22, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
I'm sorry to say a lot of USB flash sticks out there are broken and only tested with the timing of MS Windows. Part of the problem is that it is difficult to autodetect these issues, because once you trigger the non- supported SCSI command, then the flash key stops working like you experience.

Morale of the story: Don't even dare put any hardware that you need working on FreeBSD under control of Linux or Windows. <grin>
OS X is safe.

By the way, I am serious!

Sometimes, I am inclined to believe the conspiracy theory that those operating systems do this on purpose. Often to claim "superiority" as in "see, it works with our OS, ok?".

I believe if we get enough details of how this particular USB stick is exactly recognized an quirk definition for it could be added to save future users from such behavior. But the bit "it was used with Linux" might need to be supplied by the user.

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