On 2 Jul 2012, at 22:39, David O'Brien wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 11:14:45AM +0100, Simon L. B. Nielsen wrote:
>> On 1 Jul 2012, at 10:20, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>>> Just FYI,
>>> the svn2cvs exporter is currently down due to
>>> http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/237860 .
>>> I'll fix it as soon as I get back from lunch, so should be back in a
>>> few hours.
>> Fixed. Please try not to replace files or even worse directories. Thanks.
> Simon,
> Are you saying we are now restricted in the svn operations we can perform
> due to the lack of the svn2cvs exporter to consume them?

Basically yes, though it's not a new thing - we have been from day 1 of using 
svn. Or rather, each time somebody "replaces" a file we (peter, bz, or me) have 
to manually hack svn2cvs to handle the case with the increasing risk that we 
will do it wrong and svn/cvs will be out of sync.

> If so, this doesn't seem desirable... we moved to Subversion to obtain
> such operations as file and directory moves.

You can move files and dirs, just as long as you don't move them on top of 
existing files. The problem is that that creates an 'remove' and 'add' 
operation in the same changeset which CVS cannot handle.

Tested patches are accepted 
(http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/svnadmin/tools/export.py), or even better - 
work on killing off CVS sooner rather than later.

> I suspect such operations will only happen with increased frequency after
> the Ports Collection moves to Subversion.

Ports will explicitly deny "Replaced" files in a presubmit check. I will look 
at adding the same for src once I get a chance.

Simon L. B. Nielsen

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