On Sun, Jul 08, 2012 at 10:16:44AM +0200, Jean-S?bastien P?dron wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 08.07.2012 05:14, Steve Wills wrote:
> > For what it's worth, I discovered that twm and xterm don't trigger
> > the issue, but konsole and other kde things do, which is what led
> > me to discover that setting kern.ipc.shm_use_phys back to default
> > fixed it.
> I encountered the same issue with x11-wm/awesome, but everything's ok
> with twm. A kernel from 2012-06-23 doesn't crash but a kernel from
> 2012-07-03 does crash.
> Here're the sysctls/tunables I have regarding shm:
> In /boot/loader.conf:
> kern.ipc.shmmni="1024"
> kern.ipc.shmseg="1024"
> In /etc/sysctl.conf:
> kern.ipc.shmmax=2147483648
> kern.ipc.shm_use_phys=1
> kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed=1

You know, this is not much useful ? Backtrace is.

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