Am 07/29/12 19:19, schrieb Martin Matuska:
> Do you still have this problem after r238882?

> Dňa 28. 7. 2012 19:21 O. Hartmann  wrote / napísal(a):
>> When updating ports (like databases/sqlite3 or graphics/png via
>> portmaster graphics/png), the installation process comes to a point
>> where a backup of the old port is created with bsdtar. The process hangs
>> then:
>> ===>>> Starting build for graphics/png <<<===
>> ===>>> All dependencies are up to date
>> ===>>> Creating a backup package for old version png-1.5.12
>> load: 1.38  cmd: bsdtar 99286 [running] 1301.04r 1296.34u 0.00s 100% 5656k
>> And a look on top:
>> last pid:  3365;  load averages:  1.49,  1.44,  1.41
>>                                                         up 0+04:39:08
>> 19:17:44
>> 65 processes:  2 running, 63 sleeping
>> CPU: 50.4% user,  0.0% nice,  1.0% system,  0.0% interrupt, 48.6% idle
>> Mem: 521M Active, 3599M Inact, 3424M Wired, 32M Cache, 826M Buf, 323M Free
>> ARC: 1970M Total, 672M MRU, 1224M MFU, 48K Anon, 46M Header, 28M Other
>> Swap: 32G Total, 32G Free
>> 99286 root             1 103    0 71724K  5672K CPU1    1  24:10 100.00%
>> bsdtar
>>  1339 root             1  21    0  3221M 38008K select  1   3:02  1.71%
>> Xorg
>>  3364 ohartmann       28  20    0   634M   301M uwait   1   0:06  0.63%
>> thunderbird
>>   737 root             1  20    0 16520K  1492K select  0   0:42  0.00%
>> moused
>>  3286 ohartmann       22  20    0   681M   368M uwait   1   0:14  0.00%
>> firefox
>>  1469 ohartmann        1  20    0 72364K 10612K select  1   0:05  0.00%
>> xterm
>> I can circumvent by doing a make reinstall in the port's directory, but
>> this doesn't work for ports which copy files around using tar - like
>> www/firefox and mail/thunderbird (which also get stuck when bsdtar is
>> involved).
>> My operating system is
>>  FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r238860: Sat Jul 28 11:28:38 CEST 2012
>> buildworld and kernel from today's sources, ports seem to be up to date,
>> I updated everything successfully before installing the new world which
>> seems to be faulty.
>> I also recompiled usr.bin/tar separately and installed it, but without
>> success.
>> What to do?
>> regards,
>> Oliver

The specific problem has gone - bsdtar now performs well. But another
issue occurs now:

Ports like mail/thunderbird or www/firefox which seems to install using
bsdtar, install files with weird access bits set: --xr-xr-x
I need to adjust the access bits manually. I do not know whether this is
also libarchive related.
I did not investigate further due to time constraints.


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